10 marca 2014 r. (poniedziałek)

O 5.40 zebraliśmy się przy ul. Kolumba 1, a następnie o godz. 6.00 udaliśmy się  na lotnisko Berlin - Tegel. Podróż odbyliśmy minibusem. Wylot do Alicante był zaplanowany na 12.40. Na miejsce dotarliśmy około 16.00.
Na lotnisku przywitaliśmy się z organizatorką spotkania w Hiszpanii, panią Arabel, która zawiozła nas do Ciezy. Wszystkie swoje bagaże zostawiliśmy w pobliskim hotelu, a następnie udaliśmy się na obiad. Po obfitym posiłku wybraliśmy się na krótki spacer po mieście. Wieczorem przyjechały po nas hiszpańskie rodziny, u których mieliśmy spędzać noce przez cały czas pobytu w Hiszpanii.

Monday, 10th March 2014 (day 1)

There were four people in our delegation to Spain: Ms Nowicka, Ms Klukiewicz, Hubert Humański (1a) and I, Aleksandra Fedorowicz (3c) . We met at the station at 5:40 a.m. and took a shuttle bus to Berlin- Tegel Airport. We arrived there at about 9 a.m. Our Flight was at 12:40 a.m. and took almost 3 hours. At  Alicante-Elche Airport one of the Spanish teachers, Maribell with her family was waiting for us. They drove us to the hotel. After check-in our teachers left their bags in their room. (Hubert's and my bags were left at reception because our host families were to pick us up at 8 p.m.).
After leaving the hotel, we went with Maribell’s family to the cafe. We ate some snacks and drunk some coffee. Then,  we decided to go for a walk around the town of Cieza. When we came back to the hotel, we met the Turkish and Italian teams. A moment later Hubert’s and my families arrived.  We left with our new friends to their houses, to meet another members of the families. In my host family there are six children but four are more than eighteen, one girl is fifteen and one girl is ten years old. That evening I told them about Szczecin and they told me about Cieza. For dinner we had 'Tortilla de patatas'. It's something like a Polish omelette, but it is made with potatoes and eggs. After dinner Inez, the girl from the Spanish partnership school, showed me the way to the room and I went to sleep.

10th of March 2014

 At 5.40 a.m. we meet on the Kolumba street. Then, at 6.00 a.m. we went by minibus to Berlin – Tegel airport. Our flight started at 12.40 p.m. and finished around 4.00 p.m. At  Alicante airport, Ms Maribel was waiting with her family. She drove us to  Cieza in her car. After arriving in Cieza, we left our luggage in the hotel and then,  we went for  lunch. After that, we went for a walk through the town. In the evening , the Spanish host families arrived at the hotel and took us to their homes.

11 marca 2014 r. (wtorek)

We wtorek przyjechaliśmy do szkoły, która była oficjalnym organizatorem wizyty w Ciezie. Na początku wszyscy otrzymaliśmy identyfikatory, a później wysłuchaliśmy koncertu hiszpańskiego chóru. W spotkaniu uczestniczyli uczniowie z Portugalii, Włoch, Turcji, Litwy oraz Grecji. Młodzież przybyła tutaj wraz ze swoimi opiekunami. Po występie oprowadzono nas po placówce. 
Później spacerowaliśmy po mieście i zwiedzaliśmy je. Po drodze obejrzeliśmy wiele wspaniałych zabytków.
Jednym z ciekawszych wydarzeń tego dnia była audiencja u obecnie urzędującego prezydenta Ciezy. Antonio Tamaro przyjął nas bardzo ciepło. Miło było go poznać. Podczas spotkania otrzymaliśmy drobne upominki związane z miastem.
Po obiedzie oglądaliśmy jaskinię La Serreta, w której znajdują się prehistoryczne malowidła skalne. Na wszystkich zwiedzających zrobiły one duże wrażenie.
Późnym popołudniem udaliśmy się na kolację, a następnie rozeszliśmy się do domów rodzin, u których mieszkaliśmy.

Tuesday, 11th March 2014 (day 2)

I ate breakfast with Inez at 8:30 a.m. After the meal, we went to school on foot. At school we met all the groups. We went to the gathering room (aula). The Spanish head teacher greeted us and gave us our identification badges. Next, the students from Spain sang some songs for us. After the small concert, we went sightseeing Cieza. We visited the Ballcony of the wall, Ermita de San Bartolomé and and many other interesting historic places.  Also, we visited the town hall where we met with the mayor and councilmen. They welcomed us warmly in the town and gave small souvenirs from Cieza to us. After the sightseeing, we ate lunch '(tapas'- snap, two dishes and a desert). Each member of our delegation chose different meal so we could taste all the Spanish dishes that were served during the lunch. For example, we ate squids, chicken, pasta and beef and for the desert: coffee cake and tiramisu. After lunch, we got on a bus that drove us to the cave 'la Serreta'. We saw rock paintings that had been painted over five thousand years ago! The guide told us about the way these paintings were painted. After the visit in 'la Serreta', we ate dinner. And again, we ordered different dishes so each of us could try flavours of different dishes. We were still full after the first meal, lunch, so we couldn’t eat much. At about 9:30 p.m. host families arrived and we went home.

11th of March 2014

On Tuesday the Spanish families took us to the partnership school which organized meeting in Cieza. We got ID badges and after that we listened to a concert of the Spanish choir. The students from Portugal, Italy, Greece, Turkey, Lithuania, and us took part in this meeting. Next we visited the town and met president of Cieza, Antonio Tamaro and some councilmen. During that meeting, each  school received a gift  from the Town Hall. After lunch we visited the ‘la Serreta’ cave where we saw prehistoric paints on rocks. At the end of the day, we ate dinner with the others in the restaurant and left for overnight at the host families’places. 

12 marca 2014 r. (środa)

Następnego dnia uczestniczyliśmy w grach i zabawach zorganizowanych przez naszych hiszpańskich przyjaciół. Poznaliśmy wiele wspaniałych koleżanek, a także kilku nowych  kolegów. Spędzaliśmy z nimi czas na boisku, grając w siatkówkę lub piłkę nożną. Później każda ze szkół uczestniczących w projekcie przedstawiła program artystyczny promujący swój kraj. My zaprezentowaliśmy przyśpiewki ludowe. Wszystkie występy bardzo nam się podobały, dlatego też były nagradzane gromkimi brawami.
Kiedy koncert się zakończył, postanowiliśmy zwiedzić okoliczne muzea. Byliśmy w Museo de Siyâsa i Esparto Museum, gdzie podziwialiśmy zgromadzone eksponaty.

Wednesday, 12th March 2014 (day 3)

I ate breakfast with Inez at 8:30 a.m. After that, we went to school. 'Comenius Teachers' had a meeting, so some Spanish teachers took us for a walk. During the walk, I talked with students from Greece and Lithuania. Of course I spoke English. When we came back to school, the Spanish P.E. teachers organized some games for all of the partnership schools’ students in the school playground. Next, we went for lunch. We ate a traditional Spanish meal: Paella.  It's made of  rice cooked with vegetables and sea food, or chicken. After lunch, we visited two museums: 'Esparto Museum' and 'Medina Siyasa Museum'. Both museums were very interesting. We learnt about history of the region. The weather wasn’t great on that day because it rained. For dinner, we ate another traditional Spanish dish - Tapas.

12th of March 2014

This day we participated in games organized by our Spanish friends. We met new colleagues. We played football and volleyball with them. After that , the students from each partnership school showed presentations of  their countries’ folk songs.  All presentations were really great. Next ,we visited the Medina Siyasa museum and Esparto museum.

13 marca 2014 r. (czwartek)

W czwartek udaliśmy się  na całodniową wycieczkę do stolicy regionu - Murcji. Miasto to zostało założone w 831 roku w okresie panowania arabskiego władcy Abd ar-Rahmana II, którego rządy zakończyły się w 852 roku. Zwiedzaliśmy tam gotycką katedrę Santa Maria. Była ona zwieńczona wieżą osiągającą 92 metry wysokości. Dzwony wyżej wspomnianej budowli, których łącznie jest 25, zawsze wybijają godzinę 13.00, czyli obwieszczają czas posiłku.
Byliśmy również w Kasynie Królewskim (Real Casino), dawnym klubie dla elit miejskich. Ten zabytkowy budynek jest zlokalizowany w samym centrum miasta i udostępniony zwiedzającym.
Później przyszedł czas na spacer po mieście i zakupy. Po powrocie do Ciezy zjedliśmy kolację, a następnie udaliśmy się do domów rodzin hiszpańskich, z uprzejmości których korzystaliśmy podczas całego pobytu w Hiszpanii.

Thursday, 13th March 2014 (day 4)

On Thursday we visited Murcia, the capital of the province of Murcia. We saw the Catedral de Santa María, and we visited Casino. It wasn't a place associated with gambling, but a club for elite (upper middle class) of Murcia. When we walked along the streets of the Old Town, we saw lots of sculptures of the famous baroque sculptors from Murcia. For lunch we ate paella again.  After lunch, the groups had some free time to do fast shopping.  Maribell gave us maps of Murcia. Our team decided to buy some souvenirs and sweets.
In the evening, we had farewell dinner with all the host families, the Spanish children from Comenius project and another delegations. At the end of the dinner, we took a photo - Hubert, our families, our teachers and me. We said goodbye to the Lithuanian team, because they were leaving at night.
My host family and I left the restaurant and Inez’s dad started to drive. When he stopped the car, I saw a long staircase in front of me.  Inaz said ' take your camera '. I listened to her and then we climbed up the stairs to the top of the mountain. It turned out that they took me to something like an observation deck where I could see skyline of Cieza. The view was really magnificent!  After returning home, another surprise was waiting for me - Inez gave me a handmade album of Cieza, a whole bag of oranges and a few other small gifts. I felt really moved.

13th of March 2014

On Thursday we went on one day trip to  Murcia – the capital city of the district. This city was built in 831 when the Arabian king ,Ab ar Rahman II, was reigning in this region till 1243. We visited there a gothic cathedral Santa Maria with 92 meter- high tower.  There are 25 bells that always strike at 1 p.m. when there is time for lunch. We also went into the casino – an old club for town elite. After that, there was a time for walk through the town and shopping. When we came back to Cieza, we went  for  dinner in the restaurant.

14 marca 2014 r. (piątek)

Piątek był ostatnim dniem wizyty w Ciezie. Rano pożegnaliśmy się z hiszpańskimi rodzinami, u których nocowaliśmy. Następnie udaliśmy się na krótki spacer po mieście. Korzystając z okazji, postanowiliśmy odwiedzić pobliskie sklepy. Każdy z nas chciał przywieźć do Polski jakąś pamiątkę z Hiszpanii.
Po obiedzie pani Arabel odwiozła nas na lotnisko w Alicante. Wylot do Niemiec był zaplanowany na 17.05. O godz. 20.40 szczęśliwie dotarliśmy do Berlina. Następnie minibusem wyruszyliśmy w kierunku Szczecina. Na miejsce przybyliśmy około 23.30. Było już późno, dlatego też z przystanku odebrali nas stęsknieni rodzice.
Wycieczka do Hiszpanii będzie dla nas niezapomnianym przeżyciem. Wyprawa do kraju, w którym odbywają się popularne widowiska zwane korridami, dostarczyła nam wielu ciekawych wrażeń. Liczne spotkania z europejskimi przyjaciółmi pozwoliły na zacieśnienie więzi międzyludzkich. Mamy nadzieję, że kontakty, jakie nawiązaliśmy podczas pobytu za granicą, przerodzą się w ciekawe przyjaźnie.

Friday, 14th MArch 2014 (day 5)

I ate breakfast in the morning, and after saying goodbye to Inez’s sisters, two of us left for school. At school Maribell was waiting for us. Hubert and I said goodbye to our host families and we went to the hotel to meet our teachers. When we arrived at the hotel, the other teams were leaving. We said goodbye to all of them and went for a short walk. We did last shopping, too. The day before, one of the Spanish teachers gave us some tips on what traditional food to buy and directions how to get to the store. The map wasn’t perfect because we almost got lost. We bought Spanish sausages (chorizo), Spanish ham (serrano), olives, vegetables and sweets. We came back to the hotel at about 11: 30 a.m. we had only half an hour for packing our suitcases. It wasn't an easy task to do with so many souvenirs. But we managed. To our surprise we packed the bags in less than 15 minutes. At 12 a.m. we were ready to leave the hotel. Maribell drove our team to the bus station in Murcia.  At the bus station, we said goodbye to Mariebell and left for Alicante-Elche Airport. Our Flight was at 5:05 p.m. and it took almost 3 hours. While we were landing, we could admire a night skyline of Berlin. After receiving our baggage, we headed for a shuttle bus that was waiting outside the airport. We arrived in Szczecin at 11:30 p.m. It was the end of our trip.
I loved this trip very much. I had the opportunity to meet new friends and see many interesting places. I learnt a lot about Spanish culture and traditions. I'm glad that I had a chance to get to know so many wonderful people.

14th of March 2014

Friday was our last day in Cieza. In the morning we said ‘Goodbye’ to our Spanish families. Next, we had free time for last shopping and a sightseeing tour. After lunch, Ms Maribel took us to the bus station in Musrcia where we took a shuttle bus to the airport. Our flight started at 5.05 p.m. We landed in Berlin at 8.40 p.m.. Next, the minibus took us to Szczecin. At 11.30 p.m. we finally met our parents.
Trip to Spain will be an unforgettable experience. After the journey, we were exhausted but also very happy that we have met our European friends. We hope that our Spanish colleague will become our friends for ever.

Hubert Humański
Aleksandra Fedorowicz
Hubert Humański




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